ホーム > 論文発表 Papers > 論文発表 Papers 2020年

論文発表 2020年

Original article

  1. Uemura S, Wang L, Tsuda M, Suzuka J, Tanikawa S, Sugino H, Nakamura T, Mitsuhashi T, Hirano S, Tanaka S. Signaling adaptor protein Crk is involved in malignant feature of pancreatic cancer associated with phosphorylation of c-Met
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun
    , 524, 378-384, 2020
  2. Takahashi-Iwata I, Yabe I, Kudo A, Eguchi K, Wakita M, Shirai S, Matsushima M, Toyoshima T, Chiba S, Tanikawa S, Tanaka S, Satoh K, Kitamoto T, Sasaki H. MM2 cortical form of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease without progressive dementia and akinetic mutism: A case deviating from current diagnostic criteria
    J Neurol Sci
    , 412:116759. 2020
  3. Anada M, Tohyama M, Oda Y, Kamoshima Y, Amino I, Nakano F, Miyazaki Y, Akimoto S, Minami N, Kikuchi S, Terae S, Niino M. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy During Tocilizumab Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Intern Med
    , 15; 2053-2059, 2020
  4. Habiba U, Hossain E, Yanagawa-Matsuda A, Chowdhury AFMA, Tsuda M, Zaman AU, Tanaka S, Higashino F. Cisplatin enhances the oncolytic activity of E4orf6 deleted adenovirus through HuR relocalization
    Cancers (Basel)
    , 12, 809, 2020
  5. Segawa K, Sugita S, Aoyama T, Minami S, Nagashima K, Tsuda M, Tanaka S, Hasegawa T. Detection of VHL deletion by fluorescence in situ hybridization in extraneuraxial hemangioblastoma of soft tissue
    Pathol Int
    , 70, 473-475, 2020
  6. Mikawa Y, Towfik Alam M, Hossain E, Yanagawa-Matsuda A, Kitamura T, Yasuda M, Habiba U, Ahmed I, Kitagawa Y, Shindoh M, Higashino F. Conditionally Replicative Adenovirus Controlled by the Stabilization System of AU-rich Elements-Containing mRNA
    Cancers (Basel)
    , 11; 1205, 2020
  7. Hossain E, Habiba U, Yanagawa-Matsuda A, Alam A, Ahmed I, Alam MT, Yasuda M, Higashino F. Advantages of Using Paclitaxel in Combination with Oncolytic Adenovirus Utilizing RNA Destabilization Mechanism.
    Cancers (Basel)
    , 12, 1210, 2020
  8. Hashimoto D, Semba S, Tsuda M, Kurokawa T, Kitamura N, Yasuda K, Gong JP, Tanaka S. Integrin α4 mediates ATDC5 cell adhesion to negatively charged synthetic polymer hydrogel leading to chondrogenic differentiation.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun
    , 12; 120-126, 2020
  9. Ishi Y, Takamiya S, Seki T, Yamazaki K, Hida K, Hatanaka KC, Ishida Y, Oda Y, Tanaka S, Yamaguchi S. Prognostic role of H3K27M mutation, histone H3K27 methylation status, and EZH2 expression in diffuse spinal cord gliomas.
    Brain Tumor Pathol
    , 37, 81-88, 2020
  10. Yanagi T, Kitamura S, Imafuku K, Suto A, Maeda T, Tanaka S, Sesaki H, Abe R, Shimizu H. Loss of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) does not affect epidermal development or UVB-induced apoptosis but does accelerate UVB-induced carcinogenesis.
    J Dermatol Sci
    , 9, 109-118, 2020
  11. Semba S, Kitamura N, Tsuda M, Goto K, Kurono S, Ohmiya Y, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Yasuda K, Tanaka S. Synthetic poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid) gel induces chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells via a novel protein reservoir function
    J Biomed Mater Res A
    , 109, 354-364, 2021 Epub 2020 May 23
  12. Huang J, Frauenlob M, Shibata Y, Wang L, Nakajima T, Nonoyama T, Tsuda M, Tanaka S, Kurokawa T, Gong JP. Chitin-based double-network hydrogel as potential superficial soft tissue repairing materials. strong>
    Biomacromolecules, 21, 4220-4230, 2020
  13. Tanei Z, Saito Y, Ito S, Matsubara T, Motoda A, Yamazaki M, Sakashita Y, Kawakami I, Ikemura M, Tanaka S, Sengoku R, Arai T, Murayama S. Lewy pathology of the esophagus correlates with the progression of Lewy body disease: a Japanese cohort study of autopsy cases
    Acta Neuropathol
    , 141, 25?37, 2021 Epub 2020 Nov 5
  14. Nonoyama T, Wang L, Tsuda M, Suzuki Y, Kiyama R, Yasuda K, Tanaka S, Nagata K, Fujita R, Sakamoto N, Kawasaki N, Yurimoto H, Gong JP. Isotope Microscopic Observation of Osteogenesis Process Forming Robust Bonding of Double Network Hydrogel to Bone
    Adv Healthc Mater
    , 10: e2001731, 2021 Epub 2020 Nov 16
  15. Matsumoto J, Takada S, Furihata T, Nambu H, Kakutani N, Maekawa S, Mizushima W, Nakano I, Fukushima A, Yokota T, Tanaka S, Handa H, Sabe H, Kinugawa S. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor improves impaired fatty acid oxidation via the activation of AMPKα-PGC1α signaling in skeletal muscle of mice with heart failure
    Circulation Heart Failure
    , 14:e005890, 2021, Epub 2020 Dec 28

Case Report

  1. Konishi T, Funayama N, Yamamoto T, Hotta D, Kobayashi Y, Komoriyama H, Kato Y, Omote K, Sato T, Kamiya K, Nagai T, Tanaka S, Anzai T. Histopathologically confirmed very late stent thrombosis associated with stent fracture after implantation of first-generation drug eluting stent
    Cardio J
    , 27, 204-205, 2020
  2. Konishi T, Funayama N, Yamamoto T, Hotta D, Tanaka S, Anzai T. Acute anterior myocardial infarction complicated by takotsubo syndrome: the value of multimodality imaging.
    Kardiol Pol
    , 78, 1055-1056. 2020
  3. Kusama M, Sato M, Tanei Z, Kimura Y, Iwasaki M, Sasaki M, Miyagi K, Saito Y. Enhanced MR conspicuity of Type IIb focal cortical dysplasia by T1WI with CHESS: Two case reports
    Neurology: Clinical Practice,
    , October 2021 first published October 6, 2020
  4. Konishi T, Funayama N, Yamamoto T, Hotta D, Tanaka S. Cerebral embolization from left atrial myxoma causing takotsubo cardiomyopathy complicated with congestive heart failure
    Cardiol J
    , 27, 439-440, 2020
  5. Yuno A, Kenmotsu Y, Takahashi Y, Kameda H, Nomoto H, Yong Cho K, Nakamura A, Yamashita Y, Nakamura J, Nakakubo S, Kamada K, Suzuki M, Sugino H, Inoshita N, Konno S, Miyoshi H, Atsumi T, Sawamura Y, Shimatsu A. Successful management of a patient with active Cushing’s disease complicated with COVID-19 pneumonia
    Endocr J
    , 28, 68, 477-484, 2021 Epub 2020 Dec 24

Review, etc.

  1. Imajo, M. Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan Envelop (HVJ-E)-Guided Gene Transfer to the Intestinal Epithelium.
    Methods Mol Biol
    , Intestinal Stem Cells: Methods and Protocol , 2171:285-291, 2020
  2. Konishi T, Hotta D, Tanaka S, Anzai T.: A Rare Combination: Cardiac Myxoma and Aortic Stenosis.
    Intern Med
    , 15, 60, 961-962. 2021 Epub 2020 Oct 14
  3. 田中伸哉: 【免疫組織化学 実践的な診断・治療方針決定のために】(第3部)腫瘍の鑑別に用いられる抗体(各臓器別) 脳.
    , 38: 263-278, 2020
  4. 田中伸哉: 【ゲノム医療におけるエキスパートパネル】分子病理専門医
    , 38: 489-494, 2020
  5. 田中伸哉: 病理学会オフィシャルジャーナル Pathology International!
    , 38: 761-763, 2020
  6. 小田義崇, 津田真寿美, 田中伸哉: 【肉腫-基礎・臨床の最新知見-】肉腫の発生メカニズムと基礎研究 染色体転座を有する肉腫
    , 78: 58-68, 2020
  7. 田中敏, 的場光太郎, 原田太以佑, 兵頭秀樹, 南須原康行, 田中伸哉: 肝胆膵と医療安全(第5回) 医療事故調査と病理解剖
    , 81: 137-142, 2020


  1. 特許第6712810号
    出願日:平成27年3月4日 登録日:令和2年6月4日